Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

ChessCentral's 3.75" Plastic Sovereign Chess Set, Board and Drawstring Chess Piece Bag

ChessCentral's 3.75" Plastic Sovereign Chess Set, Board and Drawstring Chess Piece Bag

  • The Sovereign - beautiful and sturdy Black & Ivory Staunton chess pieces from ChessCentral
  • The King stands a proud 3.75" with a 1.5" base and is the prerfect size for club and tournament play
  • You get 34 chessmen, which includes 2 extra Queens
  • You get the ChessCentral vinyl, roll-up 20" green board for everyday play
  • Plus FREE a chess pieces bag, a neat and tidy way to carry and store your chess pieces

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Product Description
The ChessCentral Sovereign chess set is a Staunton design full tournament-size, massively triple weighted and felt padded plastic chess set. Get the durability of impact resistant plastic along with the classic Staunton look. The chess set features a full 3.75" King with a stable base of 1.5" diameter. We have made the chess pieces even better! You will never again have a turned-over a wobbly Rook for that promoted pawn because the Sovereign comes with 4 Queens.Need a neat and tidy way to carry and store your chess pieces? You will love this vinyl chess bag just perfect for chess pieces with King height up to 3.75 (even with 4 Queens!) and smaller. Plus FREE - you will enjoy the feel of this leather-like and durable vinyl bag. Chess pieces stay secure because the bag is closed with a heavy drawstring, just the right size to knot for extra security. A $9.95 value!Chess pieces are not complete without a perfect sized chess board. This green vinyl chess board will last with day to day use. This vinyl chess board is made to resist tears, spills, and daily abuse. You will love this lightweight, roll-up chessboard! It is easy to take to tournaments, clubs, or next door. Clear and legible algebraic notation, 20"x 20", with 2.25" square size meets all chess tournament standards. All from the leader in curring-edge chess - ChessCentral!

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